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Repost, or build on or refine as needed, your Week 1 through Week 4 Discussions of your quantitative and qualitative scenarios using the following headings and according to the italicized instructions given for each element:

Program of Study: Identify your specific program of study and, if applicable, your concentration area.

Social Problem: Briefly describe the social problem or phenomenon of interest. Typically, this can be done in 3 or fewer sentences.

Quantitative Research Problem: Complete the following sentence: The scholarly community does not know…

Quantitative Research Purpose: Typically, this is a 1-sentence statement addressed by completing the following sentence: The purpose of this quantitative study is…

Quantitative Research Question: Typically, this is a 1-sentence question unless you have more than one research question.

Theory or Conceptual Framework: Identify a specific psychological or sociological theory or specific aspects of a conceptual framework that guides the scenario. Briefly describe how the specific theory or conceptual framework guides your research question and will aid in

of results.

Quantitative Research Design: Identify a specific quantitative research design. Do not use broad terms, such as

design, cohort design, longitudinal design, causal-comparative design, cross-sectional design, and so on. Briefly describe how the selected design fits your scenario.

Quantitative Sampling Strategy: Be specific.

Quantitative Data Collection Method: Be specific.

Qualitative Research Problem: Complete the following sentence: The scholarly community does not know…

Qualitative Research Purpose: Typically, this is a 1-sentence statement addressed by completing the following sentence: The purpose of this qualitative study is…

Qualitative Research Question: Typically, this is a 1-sentence question unless you have more than one research question.

Theory or Conceptual Framework: Identify a specific psychological or sociological theory or specific aspects of a conceptual framework that guides the scenario. Briefly describe how the specific theory or conceptual framework guides your research question and will aid in interpretation of results.

Qualitative Research Design: Identify a specific qualitative research design. Do not use broad terms, such as descriptive design, exploratory design, hermeneutics, lived experience, and so on. Briefly describe how the selected design fits your scenario.

Qualitative Sampling Strategy: Be specific.

Qualitative Data Collection Method: Be specific.

Mixed Method Design: Identify the design as either (a) convergent, (b) explanatory sequential, or (c) exploratory sequential (see Creswell & Creswell, Chapter 10), and briefly describe how the design fits the objectives of your quantitative and qualitative scenarios.

Note: Use proper APA format. If helpful, support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Suggestions made by the teacher to the previous assignment.

Jill Michel DP Wk4Jill, this really needs work. It is not a description of a qualitative study. Please see comments below. I am also attaching an example of a qualitative study so you have an example of one.

Jill, we are looking for a simple, feasible, realistic, clearly described study that will enable you to practice working with the research process.This will strengthen a skill set that will be of value to you when developing your dissertation.Please see the examples provided by your classmates, most of whom are on the right track. Please re-read the example provided by the Course Director in the PDF, Examples of Aligned and Misaligned Scenarios. Please read the attached example of a qualitative study.

Social Problem: The social problem is based on domestic and gender-based violence in the united states of America. It is also a global pandemic that affects a lot of women in their lifetime. According to statistics, 40% of women experienced intimate violence and most of the women have also been sexually assaulted by their partners. Addressing this issue requires programs that aim to educate and reduce domestic and gender violence

Qualitative Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know the extent to which domestic and gender violence occurs in the community and how big a problem it is in most of the workplaces. This is a global problem but the extent to which it affects women differs from country to country. Legislation has been used in many countries to help prevent and stop this issue but it still prevails. Studies that examine “the extent” of something require quantitative data.

Qualitative research purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to formulate new strategies that can bring domestic and gender violence to an end. This study also aims to find the differences between the countries that have managed to tackle this issue with the ones that have failed in the quest to end this menace using legislation. The US has not yet managed to find a workable solution like many other countries in Europe and this study seeks to find what is the US doing different and what changes need to be made to end this violence. Qualitative studies don’t “formulate new strategies.”

Qualitative research question: What is the difference between the strategies used in some countries to combat domestic gender violence with the strategies used in the countries that have not yet found a workable solution for this issue? It isn’t clear what this means.

An example of a qualitative research question would be “How do women in a shelter for domestic violence describe the factors they believe led them to be in an abusive relationship?”

Theory or Conceptual Framework: I will use the sociology perspective of functionalism to determine the relationship in the functionality of a society that enables domestic and gender violence to thrive. This framework will help to analyze different countries and the cultures they have adopted that enable or stump the progress of gender-based violence by intimate partners. My research will include interviews and in-depth readings of case studies to assess this issue. Government articles will come in handy in this research to help assess how this issue is managed in different countries.

Qualitative Research Design: Case Study will help in this research for the reason. that it focuses on a system that is bounded, a case. A case consists of many aspects of life that can provide multiple information that can be useful in this study. I will interview people and review documents that will offer more insight into the scope of this subject. I will also utilize Phenomenology which will enable more understanding of this issue and its effect on society. To get all the information to gauge this study I will need to;

  • Review government documents that will have all the data collected on the effects of domestic and gender violence in their respective countries
  • Interview government representatives who deal with these issues in their respective countries.
  • Create a questionnaire to collect information from different volunteers online since gong to individual countries will not be necessary for this era of globalization enables by technology.

It isn’t clear what you want to study.Additionally, you have proposed two different methodologies, case study and phenomenology.

Qualitative Sampling Strategy: this research will need help from international entities and so I will write to respective offices seeking assistance. Government documents have been digitalized and so accessing them online will be possible. I will create online questionnaires and post them on multiple social media to get the sample of data that I will need to assess this situation for my research. I will need at least two interviews for every country that replies to my request and about 20 filled questionnaires from every country that I seek to sample from. The sample size I will need for this research is not big which is common in qualitative interviews.

Jill, we are looking for a simple, feasible, realistic, clearly described study that will enable you to practice working with the research process.This will strengthen a skill set that will be of value to you when developing your dissertation.

Qualitative Data Collection Method: I intend to use the internet mostly because the data I need for this study will come from different countries and it is not possible for me to travel to all those countries to gather the information I need. I may need to used video call services like Skype or Google Hangout which will enable me to conduct in-depth interviews with the respective audience that have a deeper understanding of this issue. The interviews will have to be about 45 minutes long with open-ended questions that help understand the views of the participants and the experiences they’ve had with domestic and gender violence in their respective countries.

Example on how to do the paper.Please do it like that but use my area of study

Program of Study: Teaching Psychology

Social Problem: There is currently a lack of knowledge of the use of essential oils for counselor self-care, in particular stress management.

Quantitative Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know the extent to which stress levels will differ between those counselors who use essential oils compared to those counselors who do not use essential oils to manage their stress levels.

Quantitative Research Purpose: The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine the extent of difference between stress levels in those counselors who use essential oils to manage their stress versus those counselors who do not.

Quantitative Research Question: What is the extent of difference between stress levels in those counselors who use essential oils to manage their stress versus those who do not?

Theory or Conceptual Framework: The theory that guides this scenario is called The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping. I will use this framework to guide my research question because it is based on the core assumption that a person who is faced with a stressful event will make a coping effort, defined as, “actual strategies used to mediate primary and secondary appraisals.” (Utwente, p.50). Using this theoretical framework, relaxation techniques are used for improving a person’s mood, in my specific study the relaxation techniques being used are essential oils. I will assess whether the counselors who use the relaxation technique of essential oils find it to be an effective coping strategy for stress reduction compared to those counselors who do not use essential oils for stress reduction. (Utwente, 2017).

Quantitative Research Design: The quantitative research design that I will use is a randomized design where participants will be randomly assigned to the experimental Group A and the control Group B. Both groups take a pretest and posttest. Only the experimental group receives the treatment. (Creswell & Creswell, p.168). The experimental Group A is the group that I will give the essential oils intervention to, and the Control Group B will not take the essential oils as an intervention to manage their stress. The pre-test will measure both Group A and Group B’s stress levels as well as asking what they use to manage their stress, and what is the most effective intervention for reducing stress. The same survey will be given post-treatment (for Group A using essential oils, and Group B no essential oils).

Quantitative Sampling Strategy: I would use a purposive sample, which is a sample based on the people who match characteristics of the population that I am looking for that matches the objective of the study. (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). To do this, I would send an email out to mental health counselors (ideally Walden students and alumni), and those that responded and are willing to be in my research study, are the ones who would be included. If I am able to have access to a Walden list of students and alumni, then I would proceed with my single-stage sampling procedure, since I would have access to student’s names. (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

Quantitative Data Collection Method: Internet survey administered online. This method will be used due to its benefits of convenience for the survey taker, a busy mental health counselor, lower cost to design and administer, and expedited data collection. (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). I use a standardized stress test and collect the data on the website. This would reduce my data entry errors and to speed up the data collection and data entry part of the process. (Craswell & Craswell, 2018).

Social Problem: Social Problem: There is currently a lack of knowledge of the use of essential oils for counselor self-care, in particular stress management.

Qualitative Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know how essential oils contribute to counselors’ stress levels.

Qualitative Research Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify counselor’s experiences with different essential oils and map their experiences to their stress levels.

Qualitative Research Question: How do counselors describe their experiences with different essential oils in regards to their stress level?

Theory or Conceptual Framework: I will use The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping. This theoretical framework analyzes coping strategies in specific categories. The category that I will use is called emotion-focused coping strategy. Through primary research, by interviewing counselors, I will explore their experiences with essential oils as an emotion-focused coping strategy. (Utwente, 2017).

Qualitative Research Design: The qualitative research design is called, Phenomenological, which is focused on trying to understand a phenomenon. (Qualitative Research Design Concepts table). How a phenomenological research design fits with my scenario is that I will describe the direct experiences of the research participants, looking for the essence of their experience. (Cresswell & Creswell, 2018). More specifically, I will describe Masters or Phd-level counseling students experiences with using essential oils to manage their stress levels. In order to arrive at the insights that describe the essence, or theme of individuals experiences, I will conduct in-depth interviews with each participant, which is typically the technique used in phenomenological research. (Cresswell & Creswell, 2018).

Qualitative Sampling Strategy: I will contact Walden Masters or Phd-level students studying Psychology who are currently using essential oils, and ask them if they would like to participate in my study to see how essential oils help them with managing their stress. To contact the students, I will post my invitation for participants in the class café for the Walden classes that I am enrolled in. In terms of sample size, I estimate that I need to interview somewhere between 20-30 students. The actual number of students that I interview will depend on when I have reached saturation, meaning that I have gathered enough data that no new themes or insights would come from any further interviews. (Cresswell & Creswell, 2018). It is common to use this sample size strategy in the grounded theory approach of qualitative interviews. (Cresswell & Creswell, 2018).

Qualitative Data Collection Method: Given that I live in India, and the research participants also may live in all different corners of the world, the best data collection method will be for me to conduct in-depth video interviews over Skype. My interviews will last for 60 minutes each, and I will use open-ended questions designed to discover and explore participants views, experiences and reactions to using essential oils to manage their stressful emotions. (Cresswell & Creswell, 2018).

Mixed Method Design: I will use the Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method design, which entails three steps. First, I will do a set of in-depth individual interviews in which I explore participants experiences and feelings about using essential oils for stress management. I will look for themes in their experience. The second step is that I will create a quantitative tool, such as a web-based survey. The third step is to use the quantitative tool to test my qualitative findings across a bigger group of people to see if the same findings from the qualitative interviews have validity, meaning do they hold true across a larger population? (Cresswell & Creswell, 2018).


Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Qualitative Research Design Concepts table. Retrieved from Walden:

University of Twente. (2017). Communication studies theories. Retrieved from


Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 1: Mixed Methods Designs (pp. 14–15 only)
  • Chapter 10: Mixed Methods Procedures

This is the area of study

domestic and gender-based violence in the united states of America

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