Dissertation Writing
Doing a Dissertation
- What is a Dissertation?
- Choosing a “Good” topic
- Conducting the Research, from
Proposal to Write-Up
What is a Dissertation?
- A formal requirement to satisfy a masters degree; written to demonstrate the student’s competence
- 15k – 20k words
- Conducted in 3 months
- Aimed not to introduce a new theory, but rather emphasising to a rigour research process
Choosing a “Good” topic?
- Relevance, Significance, Realistic
- DO-ABLE !! (in 3 months)
- Things to consider:
- Literature Gap
- Your interest?
- How accessible is the data?
- Not so much to dazzle with your topic, but rather on doing a rigorous research process
1st – Research Proposal
- The rationale behind the entire research
- Brief literature review, conceptual framework
- Reviewing main theories / concepts, to formulise the conceptual framework
- Foreseen methodology (and data collection instrument)
- max 2000 words
2nd – Research Design
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
- Mixed methods
- Survey
- In-depth interview
- Focus group discussion
Best practice – create a matrix of RQs, main theories, data collection instruments, and operational questions
3rd – Data Collection
Prepare interview questions: 2 versions
- For respondents
- For yourself, with (potential) probing questions
- Prepare interview protocol
- Audio-record the interview
- Don’t take notes too much while doing the interview
- Prepare survey questionnaire
- Use appropriate tool
- Paper-based
- Online: Survey monkey (free), MBS Qualtrics
4th – Analysis
- Analyse the data based on the reviewed theories / concepts (literature review)
- Be critical
- Do not (!) introduce or use new literature / theories / concepts other than those described in Literature Review
- Practicality
- Map the data and theories used to analyse that particular data using table, Mind Map, or any other mapping tools
- This allows you to keep track both of your data and your literature
5th – Writing up
- Chapters – proportion
- Introduction >> 10% of total words
- Literature review >> 20% – 30%
- Research method >> 5% – 10%
- Data / result
- Discussion
- Conclusion >> 5%