Want to know how well you’ve performed this semester? Our tool will help you calculate your semester GPA.
Start by choosing the grading type: either letter grades or percentage. Then add a grade and credits for every class, and your semester GPA will be calculated automatically. Add as many courses as you need. You can also add another semester to determine your overall GPA.
GPA, or Grand Point Average, plays an enormous role throughout your academic career, starting with high school and all the way through university. However, many students spend all this time with a very vague understanding of what their current score is, what it entails, how they can increase it or even what the GPA is.
In short, your GPA is an average of all the grades you’ve received throughout a certain period of time (a year, a semester or the entire stay at a particular college). Normally it ranges from 0 to 4, with 4 being the best grade. You should also keep in mind that it takes failing grades into account as well – which is why they should be avoided at all costs.
The way GPA is calculated may be different for students of different schools and colleges. For example, some schools practice weighted GPA, which means that some classes carry more weight for the overall GPA than others. This is done so that students wouldn’t be able to choose a couple of easy courses for a quick and effortless boost to their final scores. Others use unweighted GPA – i.e., any two courses with the same total number of credits will have exactly the same influence on your yearly GPA.
Sometime one may hear about cumulative GPA – it is your grand point average divided by the maximum number of points possible. It plays exactly the same role, only the expression is different – the higher it is, the better.
One may argue that GPA is an artificial construct that doesn’t reflect the exact academic level of a student; nevertheless, it is a widely used international method of evaluating academic performance, applied in the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and other countries. On different stages of your career, it can have many different implications, among which are:
In other words, knowing your GPA can give you a very good indication of your current situation and what you can do to improve it.
There are a lot of free online GPA calculators that are intended to give students a good estimation of their current GPA and what they should do to successfully get their degree. It is useful not just because you can quickly determine what scholarships you can apply for and what colleges you can hope to get in, but because you clearly understand what you should work on and how much effort you have to put in it to achieve the necessary results. You can define a GPA you want to achieve and that can be realistically achieved in your current situation (based on the amount of time left). For example, you find out that you don’t just have to work hard but have to get at least one A minus to receive the GPA you want. You then can choose a course you feel comfortable with and apply as much effort as is necessary to get this A minus.
In other words, with the help of a GPA calculator you can prepare a plan of action that will lead you to the desired GPA while you apply only a small percentage of time and energy you would have to use in order to achieve the same result working blind.
Don’t stay in the dark – find out your GPA right now and improve the way you plan your studies. Don’t waste your time on courses that won’t matter much in the end and find efficient ways of improving your score by concentrating on subjects that really matter. Find a free GPA calculator now and estimate your score now!