Importance of Professional Writing Skills in Business Essay Write 5 pages about 3 articles that I will provide, write a reflection essay includes quotes an

Importance of Professional Writing Skills in Business Essay Write 5 pages about 3 articles that I will provide, write a reflection essay includes quotes and why you are agree and disagree with the articles, includes :Intro: strong hook, background context on your experience with writing, introduce authors & texts, road map of your essay, thesis Body (within each body paragraph): provide an account of an author’s central argument and their position in terms of how they view writing and/or the writing process describe some of the claims the author uses, provide interpretation and analysis of how these claims work, and explain the impact of these decisions in relation to the author’s purpose draw connections between the claims or evidence used to your own experience with writing evaluate how effectively or ineffectively the author’s claims/evidence/or rhetorical strategies work based on your past or future writing goals Conclusion: offer a conclusion that is not merely repetitive, but instead offers insight into the significance of your writing process; how you will use writing moving forward; what potential writing you may do in your career, etc. Goldman Sachs CEO reveals the valuable job skill he’s finding ‘less
and less’
Goldman Sachs (GS) CEO David Solomon said the one skillset that’s becoming harder to find is
the ability to write. “I’ll tell you one that we’re finding less and less inside the firm that I think is
an important skill set, but actually we find it from students that come from Hamilton or other
liberal arts backgrounds, is an ability to write,” Solomon said during a panel in response to a
question from Yahoo Finance about the hardest skill to hire for today. This week, Solomon and
former Legendary Entertainment CEO Thomas Tull, now the founder of investment firm Tulco,
returned to their alma mater, Hamilton College, to talk to students about technology, innovation,
and entrepreneurship. Solomon is a big advocate for a liberal arts education, especially when it
comes to critical thinking and problem solving, though he recognized that it’s not the path for
everyone. Hamilton’s curriculum emphasizes communication, both public speaking and writing.
These skills had a profound impact on Solomon’s career. “How you communicate with other
people, how you interact with other people, how you express yourself will have a huge impact on 2 mins read your success. And, when I try to point to things that have helped
me, my ability to communicate, which was rooted in a lot of experience that I got here on the
hill,” Solomon told a group of students at the college’s career center earlier in the day.
Academics and I.Q. are way overweighted Solomon, who is six months into his tenure as CEO
of Goldman, also explained that success isn’t about intelligence, but rather how you relate to
others. “The other thing I’d point to that’s so important is there is a real emphasis when people
are interviewing around academics and I.Q. I think it’s way overweighted,” Solomon told the
students. “There should be equal emphasis on E.Q. and how you interact with people, how you
relate to people, and how you connect with people. “And even in a world where more and more
machines and technology are disrupting the way we do business and the way we all connect, a lot
of the value is still created through human interaction and the ability to motivate people or get
people to move in a direction with you. All of those are things in my experience here that had a
meaningful impact on me and helped me along the way.” People walk Goldman Sach’s New
York headquarters in New York City. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty
Images) During the evening panel discussion, Tull also weighed in on the hardest skill set to
find, explaining that a lot of people aren’t interested in staying in one place for a long time. “I
might say finding folks who are looking for longer-term employment versus being transient,
especially what we do. We put an awful lot into [Tulco] Labs and so forth so if people are in and
out that’s harder to kind of build up a knowledge set,” Tull said. Solomon agreed that a lot of
young people are in a hurry and not focused on the long-term. “There’s a real benefit to being
patient, a little more committed to things,” Solomon said, “It’s a long, winding road. In my
career, I got some great advice a long time ago which was from my grandmother which was,
‘Don’t be in a hurry.'”
— Julia La Roche is a finance reporter at Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter.
Importance of Professional Writing Skills in Business, by Asif
Whether you are an owner of a corporate house or a manger, you must have professional writing
skills in order to convey your ideas and suggestions properly. In each profession, there is writing
work. If your written content carries grammatical of factual errors, people will not take your
seriously. Professional writing skills help your peers, colleagues or friends understand your
message. In our world of social media posting, texting, email communications, blogs and
beyond, good writing is essential to convey your points effectively. Why to improve professional
writing skills? With time, the forms of writing have also changed. Blog writing is completely
different from news writing or press release writing. So, people especially writers need to learn
the different forms of writing. Good writing skills are, therefore, valued in the workplace, and
people who are good writers appear to be more capable, intelligent, responsible and credible. On
the other hand, people who send emails full of typos, poorly constructed sentences and
grammatical errors are not considered in the time of promotions and hikes. You may Also Like:
How to Improve Writing Skills Professional writing skills ensure strong online presence in this
digitalized era, business houses need strong content marketing strategy to get their brand
recognized in the market. Online presence works as one of the most important tools for
marketing and lead generation. Therefore, every corporate house needs a strong web presence
and excellent written marketing strategy. Asif Anwar Follow May 9, 2018 · 3 min read How to
improve your writing skills You cannot improve your writing skills in a day, but a consistent
effort will help you to improve your writing skills day by day. While writing, keep below points
in mind. Be clear while writing, you must be clear what you want to convey and use easy and
simple words. Effective writing consists of words that are clear, easy to understand and
accessible to the audience. If you use tough language, people will avoid reading your content. Be
concise Try to convey your message in minimum words. You are not writing to show your
writing skills, in fact you are writing to pass the required information to others. So, try to use
minimum words as people are too busy to wade through paragraphs to reach the important
points. Make your content scannable by using bullet points, heading and subheadings. Be direct
Professional writing means convey your ideas directly.
Confusing contents will not only disliked, but also mar your reputation among your clients,
colleagues and partner companies. Many people read a few starting lines to take action whether
to complete it or not. Get it touch with editors Grammatical and factual errors not only mar your
reputation, but also not read by the readers. Try to get the content edited by editor in order to find
out and rectify grammatical errors. Google also does not like grammatically incorrect content.
You can hire content editing services to remove factual and grammatical errors.
Conclusive Thoughts Professional writing skills in business are mandatory, so you need to learn
the elements of professional writing. Professional writing is completely different from ordinary
writing, so you need to brush up your writing skills. Polished writing skills not only help you get
generate leads, but also improve credibility. If you need SEO content writing services, food
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Anne Lamor!
Lamott _ Shitty First Draft by Ann Lamor
Few moments to say a few things about who he is and where he is from. Finally it is the turn of
this incredibly intense, angry guy nrimed Francis. “My name is Francis,” he says. “Noone calls
me Francis-anyone here calls me Francis and I’ll kill them. And another thing, I don’t like to be
touched. Anyone here ever tries to touch me, I’ll kill them,”at which point Warren Oates jumps
in and says, “Hey-lighten up, Francis,” This is not a bad line to have taped to the wall of your
office. Say toyourself in the kindest possible way, Look, honey, all we’re going to do for now is
to write a description of ihe river at sunrise, or the young child swimming in the pool at the club,
or the frst time the man sees the woman he will marry.That is all we are going to do for now. We
are just going to take this bird by bird. But we are going to finish this one short assignment,
Shitty First Drajs Now, practically even better news than that of short assignments is the idea of
shitty first drafts. All good writers write them. This is how rhey end up with good second drafts
and terrific third drafts. People tend to look at successful writers, writers who are getting their
books published and maybe even doing well financially. and think that they sit down at their
desks every morning feeling like a million dollars, feeling great about who they are ani1 how
much dent they have and what a great story they have to tell; that they take in a few deep breaths,
push back their sleeves, roll their necks a few times to get all the cricks out, and dive in, typing
fully formed passycs as [ast as a court reporter. But this is just the fantasy of the uninitiated. I
know some very great writers, writers you love who write beautifully and have made a great deal
of money, and not ant of them sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and confident. Not
one of them writes elegant first drafrs. All right, one of them does, but we do not like her very
much. We do not think that she has a rich inner life or that Cod likes her or can even stand her.
(Although when I mentioned this to my priest friend Tom, he said you can safely assume you’ve
created Cod in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.)
Very few writers really know what they are doing until they’ve dofie it. Nor do they go about
their business’ feeling dewy and thrilled. They do not type a few stiff warm-up sentences and
then find themselves bounding along like huskies across the snow. One writer I know teJ1s me
that he sits down every morning and says to himself nicely, “It’s not like you don’t have a
choice, because you do-you can either type or kill yourself.“ We all often feel like we are pulling
teeth, even those writers whose prose ends up being the most natural and fluid. The right words
and sentences just do nor come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time, Now, Muriel Spark
is said to .have felt that she was taking dictation from God every morning-sitting there, one
supposes, plugged into a Dictaphone, typingaway, humming, But this is a very hostile and
aggressive position. One might hope for bad things to . rain down on a person like this. For me
and most of the other writers I know, writing is not rapturous. In fact, the only way 1 can get
anything written at all is to write really, really shitty first drafts. The first draft is the child’s draft,
where you let it all pour out and then et it romp,all over the place, knowing that no one is going
to see it and thar you can shape it later. You just let this childlike part of you channel whatever
voices and visions come through and onto the page. If one of the characters wants to say, “Well,
so what, Mr. Poopy Pan.ts?,”you let her. No one is going to see it. if the kid wants to get into
Anne Lamor!
really senttmental, wrepy, emotional territory, you let him. Just get it all down on paper, because
there tniiy be something great in those six crazy pages that you would never have gotten to by
more rational, grown-up means. There may be some. thing in the very last line of the very last
paragraph on page six that you just love, thar is so beautiful or wild that you now know what
you’re supposed to be writing about, more or less, or in what direction you might gobut there was
no way to get to this without first getting through the first five and a half pages.’ I used to wr:te
food reviews for Caf(hwrzh magazine before it folded, (My writing food reviews had nothing to
do with the magazine folding, although every single review did cause a couple of canceled
subscriptions. Some reader’s took umbrage at my comparing mouiids of vegetable puree with
various ex-presidents’ brains.) These reviews always took wo days to write. First I’d go to J.
restaurant several times with a few opinionated, articulate friends I:? cow. I’d sit there writing
down everything anyone said that was at all intereaiing or Funny, Then on the following Monday
l’d sit down at my desk with my notes, and try to write the review. Even ahet I’d been doing this
To: yrdrs. panic would set in. I’d try to write a lead, but instead I’d write a CoLiplr OF dreadful
sentences, xx them out, try again, xx everything out, and then tee despair and worry settle on my
chest like an x-ray apron. It’s over, i d t!iiiik, calmly. I’m 1701 goii>gto be able to get the mqic to
work this time. 111 riktnec!. !’in rhrough. I’m toast. Maybe, I’d think, I can get my old job j;:ick
.,.F (1 ilrrk-typist. Bur probahly nor. I’d ger up and study my teeth in rile iii,rrui I’oI.,~while.
Then I’d stop. reinembri. to breathe, make a few phone calls, lhit rhr kitchen and chow down.
Eventually i’d go back and sit down ;I niy desk, and sigh i’or ten minutes. Finally I
would pick up my ow-inch picture i’ranie, stare iilto it as it’for the answer, and every time the
aiiswer would come: all 1 had ro do was to write a really shitty first draft of, say, the opening
paragraph. And no one was going to see it. So I’d mrt writing without reining myself in, It was
almost just typing, jusr making my fingers move. And the writing would be tcrriblr. I’d write a
lead paragraph that was a whole page, even though the entire review could only be three pages
long,and then I’d start writing up descriptlons OF tl food, one dish at a time, bird by bird, and the
critics would be sitting on n shoulders, commenting like cartoon characters. They’d be pretendlng
to mot or rolling their eyes at my overwrought descriptions, no matter bow hard tried to tone
those descriptions down, no matter how consctous I wag of wh a friend said to me gently in my
early days of restaurant rewewing. “Annie she said, “it is lust a piece of chkken. It is just a bit of
cake.” But because by then I had been writing for so long, I would event) ally let myself trust the
process-sort of, more or less. I’d write a first dra that was maybe twice as long as it should be,
with a self-indulgent and bo in5 beginning, stupefying descriptions of the meal, lots of quotes
from black-humored friends that made them sound more like the Manson gtr than food lovers,
and no ending to speak of. The whole thing would Le long and incoherent and hideous that for
the rest of the day I’d obsess ab01 getting creamed by a car before i could write a decent second
draft, I’d won that people would read what I’d written and believe that the accident hc really been
a suicide, that I had panicked because my talent was wanir and my mind was shot. The next day,
though,I’d sit down, go through it all wth a colored pe take out everything I possibly could, find a
new lead somewhere on the se ond page, figure out a kicky place to end it, and then write a
second drai It always turned out fine, sometimes even funny and weird and helpful go over it one
more time and mail it in Then, a month later, when it was time for another revlew, the who
process woiild start again, complete with the fears that people would find rT first draft before I
could rewrite it Almost all good writing begins wth terrible first efforts You qeed I start
somewhere. Start by getting something-anything-down on pape A frlend of mine says that the
first draft is the down draft-you JUS[ get down. The second draft is the up draft-you fix it up.
Anne Lamor!
You try to Sdy WII you have to say more accurately. And the third draft is the dental draft, whet
you check every tooth, to see if it’s loose or cramped or decayed, or eve! God help us, healthy,
What I’ve learned to do when I sir down to worlc on a shitty first dra is to quiet the voices in my
head. First there’s the vinegar-llpped Redder Idad who says primly, “Well, that> not very
interesting, is it?” And there L the em, ciated German male who writes these Orwellian memos
cletailing yo^ thought crimes, And there are your parents, agonizing over your lack ( loyalty and
discretion; and there’s William Burroughs, dozing off or shoo ing up because he hds you as bold
and articulate as a houseplant; and i on. And there are also the dogs: let’s not forget the dogs, the
dogs In the pen who will surely hurtle and snarl their way out if you ever niop writin( because
writing is, for some of us, the latch that keeps the door of the pe closed, keeps those crazy
ravenous dogs contained

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